Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Incredible, Edible Egg Dye!

Ok, Pinterest, we tried it. Well, sorta.

This year I was excited to finally color Easter eggs with my daughter. I have fond memories growing up dying eggs. 

You mix the water and vinegar, add the color tablets and watch it dissolve. Then you add your hard boiled egg into the mix and you wait. And wait. Annnnnnnd....wait. Check on it, then wait some more.

It always ended up taking the entire evening. Not for this mama!!

I'm sure many of you have seen on Pinterest the amazing shaving cream method of dying eggs. Great idea! But I don't trust my two year old to refrain from eating it.

So I thought I would try this method with a twist. Why not use whipped cream? Sure, it adds a step in the process but it's still fast and there are no worries about ingestion.

You will need:
Hard Boiled Eggs
Heavy Whipping Cream
Food Coloring
A Pan (I used a disposable one-good for lazy, ahem, easy cleanup.)

Add cream to the mixer and turn on high.
Once it's the proper consistency, add to your pan and spread out evenly.

Add drops of food coloring all over and swirl them around.
Then add your eggs. Roll them around so they get completely covered.
(Z was a lot daintier with this part than I expected.)
Put them aside to dry a bit. 
Once you feel they're ready, wash them off and return to the egg carton.

Our finished product.
The old fashioned way, the eggs are definitely a lot brighter. But this way was much more fun for me and it was a lot quicker. And as we all know, quicker is better for a little one with a short attention span.

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